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Nice concept, liked  the melodies. 

Thank you! also congrats on winning!


Don't tell me what keys not to press. I'll mash C and V as much as I want!
But seriously though, another trippy entry. I didn't even realize it was a cube at first. Took a moment to figure it out. But after I did I was crushin it. Great Work!

I should of added a reset rotation key! hahaha congrats on completing the game :3


Wonderful game, I love it!

I think i won
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Oh wow! Musical Cuboid has a gameplay video! I'm so honored thank you very much ^^ sorry about the size of the window of the game I need to learn how to fix that, thanks for enjoying my game :3 You are the winner in my heart <3


Took a lil to learn how to play. Cool concept : )

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Thank you! I'll do my best to improve intuitiveness for my next entry :3


I played 2 notes in a sequence. but I need to learn how to play this game :) I always like dark background and colorful design :)

Thank you 64KB :3 sorry I made it too hard I always struggle with balance >_<

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I do not know how to play this game :)

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I am so sorry :C the game needs clearer instructions, I promess to fix that in my next game jam entry!